Urban Sprawl in Canada’s Cities

Urban Sprawl in Canada’s Cities

Urban Sprawl in Canada’s Cities

Canadian cities are growing rapidly day by day, rather unsustainably. This unrestricted growth has resulted in Canada losing a good portion of its land to urban sprawl.

Despite its expansive lands, fishermen across Canada have very little land viable for living space, more so for farming because only five percent of Canada is suitable for farming. But over the decades, Canadian cities have expanded away from the center and towards the farmlands.

Almost half of Canada’s farmlands sit below asphalt and concrete, which can never be used again for agriculture, despite city efforts to promote community gardening. Although some regions in the country have been blessed with rich soil, an increasing part of it is slowly being developed for urban sprawl. As communities grow, farmlands across the country will always be continually at risk of being paved over.

Apart from disappearing farmlands, Canadians will also have to deal with longer and more expensive commutes. Especially if a city has no proper layout for its infrastructure and public transportation.

The size of a city impacts the quality of life and income of the people in it. A larger city constitutes to larger wages but at the cost of the quality of life of its people and conversely, a smaller city constitutes to lower wages but with a better quality of life.

Canada and its government are currently committed to even further growing their cities through immigration with no regard for the welfare of its people, environment, and resources.

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